How to judge your personal law statement

The personal statement is one of the basic requirement of any course work writing. This is required in many universities when the students apply for admission. Most of the universities required a personal statement that is written by applicants because they try to judge you that who you are. If you are a law student and you wrote your law personal statement and you want to know the worth of your personal statement that is it worthy of sending to the university. So, for knowing the value of your written content you must review it carefully and make sure that your statement matches the given criteria of your admission tutors.

The personal statement must be well-structured

A good design statement is based on clear logic and framework. All parts of the content must be connected with each other, this flow of work makes the impression to your tutors and they enjoy reading your statement. The important parts of any law course in the personal statement are:
In the introduction, you have to explain that why you are choosing law university and you have to show that you are extremely interested to learn the subject.


In the body you should explain your motive about the law subject and your past experience or other additional activities. You should mention your aim that shows that you are hard-working.


At last, write some important points about your strong motivation and goals, write that your interest in the legal profession leads you to work towards your desired destination. Share your all thoughts with them.

A well-structured law personal statement increases the chances of being enrolled in your anticipated university. Always write your statement in simple and easy wordings. Try to do it by yourself but you can also take the help of online Law Writers. We are available 24 hours for making your eye-catching personal statement.

Writing Techniques for an Effective Statement

Engaging Opening

Start with an engaging opening that captures the reader’s attention. A compelling anecdote, a thought-provoking question, or a powerful statement can set the tone for the rest of your essay.

Narrative Style

Adopt a narrative style that tells your story in a captivating way. Use vivid descriptions and emotional language to make your experiences come alive. This makes your statement more relatable and memorable.

Authenticity and Honesty

Be authentic and honest in your writing. Admissions committees can easily detect exaggerations or insincerity. Your genuine voice will resonate more effectively and leave a lasting impression.

Specific Examples and Anecdotes

Include specific examples and anecdotes to illustrate your points. General statements can be vague and less impactful. Concrete details provide evidence of your experiences and achievements, making your narrative more credible.

Common Mistakes to Avoid


Avoid overgeneralizing your experiences or motivations. Be specific about your journey and what makes your perspective unique. Generic statements can make your essay blend in with others.

Lack of Focus

Ensure your essay has a clear focus. Each paragraph should contribute to the overarching narrative and support your main theme. Avoid tangents or unrelated information that can dilute your message.

Clichés and Jargon

Steer clear of clichés and legal jargon. Phrases like “I’ve always wanted to be a lawyer” or overly technical language can make your essay sound unoriginal or difficult to read. Strive for clarity and originality.

Neglecting Proofreading

Proofreading is crucial. Spelling and grammar errors can undermine your credibility and attention to detail. Review your essay multiple times and consider seeking feedback from others to catch any mistakes you might have missed.

Judging Your Personal Law Statement

Self-Assessment Criteria

Use a set of criteria to self-assess your personal law statement. Evaluate its clarity, coherence, and impact. Does it tell a compelling story? Is it free from errors? Does it effectively convey your motivations and goals?

Seeking Feedback

Seek feedback from mentors, peers, or professionals in the legal field. An external perspective can provide valuable insights and highlight areas for improvement that you might not have noticed.

Revising and Editing

Revising and editing are key to refining your statement. Don’t hesitate to make substantial changes if necessary. Each draft should bring you closer to a polished and impactful final version.

Tools and Resources for Improvement

Writing Workshops

Participate in writing workshops that focus on personal statements. These workshops provide structured guidance and peer feedback, helping you enhance your writing skills and produce a stronger statement.

Online Writing Tools

Utilize online writing tools such as grammar checkers, plagiarism detectors, and style guides. These tools can help you improve the technical aspects of your writing and ensure your essay is polished and professional.

Law School Forums and Peer Review

Engage with law school forums and peer review groups. These platforms offer opportunities to share your statement, receive constructive feedback, and learn from others’ experiences and insights.